Student Council
Student Council is to promote quality in student life within and outside the Institute. It is a support system for the holistic development of the students and works in liaison with the General Administration and respective Centres/Departments of the Institute. The Student Council functions under the supervision of the Director Student-Council duly coordinated by the faculty members in charge for each deanery and report to the Vice Chancellor.therefore attempts to provide a nurturing environment wherein each student is empowered to face life challenges and move ahead to achieve their academic goals.
To imbibe and inculcate among the students the vision, mission and core values of the Institute.
- To provide constructive feedback on various aspects of Institute life – academic programmes, general discipline, library facilities, maintenance of the Institute and other student service facilities.
- To suggest the means for improving the academic quality and standards and the research culture among students.
- To suggest and implement student projects for their holistic development
- To identify, assess, evaluate and suggest the student perspectives in the development of Arts and Culture, Sports and Games, and other co-curricular/extra-curricular activities involving student participation.
- To identify and suggest methods of improving student life and student conduct and discipline.
- To assist the anti-ragging committee to remove the menace of ragging completely.
Major Activities
- To create and encourage an environment for healthy and effective use of student service facilities and suggest methods for its improvement.
- To assist the student endeavours like CSA, NCC, SWO, Sports and Games Team and Peer Education Programme.
- To help interlink students, faculty members, staff and management of the Institute effectively to forge a strong academic community.
- To help establish and maintain continuous and effective interaction with the alumni of the Institute
Constitution of the Council : The Student Council is constituted by representatives of students chosen from all the UG/PG Programmes of the Institute and is formed at two levels. The Institutional level (Institute level) of the Student Council will be the apex body and number of the members in the Institute level council may vary every academic year based on the new programmes introduced by the Institute. This body of the Council will also include one representative each from SWO, CSA, NCC, Peer education ,CAPS ,International students ,Cultural Team and Sports and Games Team of the Institute, nominated by the Directors/Co-ordinators of these Centres or offices.
The Deanery level of the Student Council will be the supporting body constituted under each Deanery and consists of two representatives from each class of the deanery with a minimum strength of 40 students .If the number is less than 40 only one member will be represented. In case of two members representing a class one would be a Boy and other member would be a girl
The Student Council shall act as a responsible body contributing to the Vision and Mission of the Institute and shall neither be an association nor a bargaining agency of the students. The Vice Chancellor may dissolve the Council at his discretion at any time prior to its functional duration.
Any student fulfilling the eligibility criteria such as academic performance, percentage of attendance, participation in events and activities of the department, holistic skills and the general standing is eligible to apply for deanery council.
Application form to be submitted to their respective class teachers along with a statement of purpose, a copy of the attendance and marks card of the previous semesters.
The Class Teachers in consultation with HoD evaluate the statement of purpose, attendance and marks card and submit a list of four candidates to the Institute Council Members representing the department. The Faculty Coordinator of the Deanery shall then review the applications and interview the candidates. Based on the personal interview and other achievements, two candidates shall be selected to represent the Deanery Council from each class.
All Deanery Student Council members who fulfill the eligibility criteria in terms of academic performance and attendance and performance as a deanery council member are eligible to apply for Institute level council Application to be submitted to the respective faculty Coordinator along with a statement of purpose, contributions as a deanery member participation in events and activities of the deanery and a copy of the attendance and marks cards of the previous semesters. Faculty coordinator verify the application form ,academic documents and contribution as deanery members based on the log of all the Deanery Level members maintained by the outgoing Institute council members .
All shortlisted candidates will be interviewed personally by the faculty coordinator. Based on the interview and other achievements members are selected as per the requirement for each deanery in consultation with respective HOD’s and class teachers . Normal tenure of membership is one year and is renewable based on fresh nomination. Nomination of Senior Students to the Council of the ensuing year will take place in the month of February every year (i.e. fresh nomination of the students who will be moving to the next year of study). Nominations of the students from the first year of study will take place in the month of July every year.
At the end of every year the incumbent Student Council will hand over its functions to the new Student Council (for the ensuing year) on the Student Council Day.
Orientation and Training
During the first or the second weekend after the reopening of the Institute for the Academic Year, all the newly inducted members of all the Institutes shall be given an orientation. This orientation will be for a period of two days. This shall be attended by the Coordinator and Faculty Representatives of the Council from all the Deaneries. Attendance for the orientation is compulsory and absence for the same shall impose termination of the member and a new member shall be appointed for the post unless the absentee has informed the Coordinator in prior through an email and the reason for absence is valid and approved by the Coordinator
Schedule of Meetings
The Institute level Student Council shall meet on a monthly basis with the Director of Student Council and faculty coordinators to discuss the proceedings of council and convey the suggestions / feedbacks to improve the quality of life in the Institute.
A meeting shall also be held once in a semester with the Vice chancellor. The Vice Chancellor convenes the meeting in which the Pro Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Deans and Student Council Staff Coordinators and council members participate without fail. The Vice Chancellor may invite any other faculty/student to the meeting as he deems it necessary.
The Student Council Coordinator along with the student council members from respective denary shall present the suggestions and feedback from denary level student council.
The Deanery Level Student Council shall meet at least once a month, attended by the respective faculty co-ordinator. The minutes of the meetings including the feedback/suggestions from the Deanery level must be presented at the meeting of Institute Level Council by the representative student member.
Policy regarding students with special needs
In keeping with the Vision of the institution, Hindustan Institute of Capital Market admits students with special needs for its various academic programmes and strives to provide and promote meaningful access to educational opportunities. The Institute promotes the maintenance of a Institute environment that is conducive to students with special needs. The Institute gives need-based fee concessions to students with special needs. The care of the students with special needs is the responsibility of all the faculty members, students and other staff. However, the counsellors in coordination with the Centre for Social Action (CSA) will provide necessary support to these students. The Institute follows alternative pattern of evaluation for students with spastic/speech disorders/disabilities. A note on this may be found in the section on examinations of the Handbook.